How to Smudge

Smudging is burning resins or herbs, generally bundled sticks made up of various herbs, to purify, heal, bless, renew energy, and cleanse negative energy from spaces, objects, and people.  Smudging might also help if you are feeling ill, depressed, angry, or resentful; after an argument; or if you feel a negative presence or entities in your home, etc.

White sage is generally used in smudging to clear and consecrate space. Its smoke is said to draw positive spirits and discourage the presence of unwanted energies.  You should be able to find it and the other herbs/resins listed below at a local Metaphysical or New Age store or online, and you should use a new stick/bundle each time you perform a smudging/cleansing if you are attempting to remove negative entities from your home.

You might wish to use a more powerful smudge of Copal or Palo Santo to clear energies that are more stubborn, persistent, negative, and/or heavy.  Palo Santo is generally sold as a wooden stick; to use it, light one end (it will go out on its own) and then fan the smoke around yourself and/or your space to clear negative energies.  Copal is a resin and comes in three varieties that are linked to their level of strength – white for blessings, gold for manifestations, and black to clear out heavy/negative energies.  To burn this resin (or loose herbs), you will need to place it upon a pre-lit, charcoal disk (self-igniting charcoal is best) inside a container that is heat-resistant and fireproof (you can also add two inches or more of sand, salt, etc. to help keep your container from getting too hot). 

CAUTION: People or animals with breathing problems such as asthma should not stay in or enter the area being smudged until the smoke has completed cleared away.

Step One

If you are smudging a space/home, open all of the windows and doors before you begin.  Next, set an overall intention for the space (and for each room if there is more than one) you wish to cleanse and breathe slowly and deeply while thinking about your intention.

If you like, you may say a prayer of cleansing such as, “I cleanse my home of any impurities, negativity, or energy that does not serve or support my home. I expel unwanted entities, and I am grateful for the shelter my roof provides and for the love these walls hold.”

Speaking your prayer or blessing out loud allows the power and energy of your voice to declare and direct the energy.  You may say any type of prayer or blessing you like from simple to elaborate as long as it is meaningful to you.

Step Two

Light the smudge or Palo Santo stick until it catches fire then extinguish the flame by gently blowing it out and let the smoke billow from the bundle/stick like incense.  Use a bowl, ashtray, abalone shell (traditional), or other nonflammable container to catch falling embers or ashes.  If your smudge or Palo Santo stick stops smoking, simply relight the stick and finish smudging the area where it went out.  If you are using a resin or loose herbs, light a charcoal disk inside a heat-resistant/fireproof container lined with sand, salt, etc. and then place the resin/loose herbs upon it once the edges of the disk begin to turn to ash; this may take a few minutes, so do not worry if it does not happen right away. 

Step Three

Cleanse yourself before you begin to smudge your home, etc.  With your hand or a feather fan, gently fan the smoke around your body from head to toe and imagine the smoke creating waves of positive energy that flow all over you.  Envision the smoke carrying away any negativity (i.e. anger, stress, etc.) that surrounds you and replacing it with a deep sense of calmness and contentment.

Step Four

Smudge your home one room at a time (including your garage if it is attached to your home); start at the front door and fan the smoke gently with a feather fan or your hand (or wave the smudge stick) over and around the door while holding the container of smoking herbs/resin with your other hand and blessing everyone who enters and stating that only beautiful and positive energy is allowed to enter.  While you do this, imagine that the smoke is absorbing all of the toxicity, problems, negativity as well as any other energy you wish to eliminate.  Next, do the same for all of the other doors and windows, again stating that only energy that is healing, beautiful, blessing, full of light, etc. is allowed to enter.  As you watch the smoke drift out of the windows and dissipate, imagine the negative energy leaving with it and making room for fresh, positive energy.  Now move from room to room smudging areas that may contain strong negative feelings.  Make sure to get the smoke behind doors, along walls and wall joints and the ceiling, and in corners, closets, and small spaces such as cupboards and crawlspaces where energy tends to get “trapped.”  Bless each and every room and allow the smoke to carry any negative energy away.

Step Five

Once you have finished blessing every room, cleanse yourself with the smoke by cupping your hands over the it and waving the smoke around your body and face as you would when washing with water.  Imagine any residual negative energy leaving your body and home and flying away leaving room for only positive energy.

Step Six

Pause and feel the energy of your home now; it should feel very clear, light, and spacious.

Step Seven

Once you have completed your smudging, walk out of your front or back door, close it, and smudge around the door and door frame.  Then express appreciation for the success of your blessing and extinguish your smudge stick by gently dipping the stick into a bowl of wet sand or water to ensure that it is extinguished.  If you are using charcoal, simply allow it to burn until it turns to ash but do NOT leave it or any burning herbs, etc. unattended. 

Step Eight

If weather permits, stay outside for five minutes or so to allow the energy within your home/space to reorganize itself.  It is best to return any remaining herbs or resins to the earth once they have cooled down completely; simply place them outside in your yard or take them to a public park, etc. and leave them in a place that feels energetically special to you.  You might also want to thank them for helping you with your energetic cleaning, etc. 

Once your space is clear, routine clearing will help you keep the energy level in your space high and clear of unwanted negative energies.

* A great way to see how effective your smudging was at removing negative energy and entities is to keep track of your cleansings by recording the dates you smudged on a calendar, in a journal, etc.  After your initial smudging it may be only a few days before you notice an increase in paranormal activity or feel negative energy again, but once you do you should re-smudge and make a note of it.  The more regularly you smudge, the longer you should be able to go between cleansings depending on how long the negative energy and/or entity has been in your residence, etc.  It may take some time to get long-term energy and/or entities to finally depart, but after awhile most entities will generally leave to find a more inviting place to reside. 

Time Correspondences

Although it is not absolutely necessary to do so, it is best to smudge during the time of day and phase of the moon that support your intentions.  The list below will help you decide when to carry out your cleansing:

Daytime: Masculinity, growth, courage, communication, motivation, strength, travel, business, leadership

Nighttime: Femininity, healing, fertility, inspiration, banishment, wisdom, tranquility, divination, self-discovery

Sunrise: Opportunity, personal growth, new love, healing, beginnings

Midday: Vitality, power, health, strength

Sunset: Understanding, inner knowledge and peace, spirit world, secrets

Midnight: Tranquility, binding, divination, banishment

New Moon: Beginnings, optimism, rest, rebirth and renewal

Waxing Moon: Creativity, wealth, growth, change, opportunity, fertility

Full Moon: Protection, power and control, prosperity, sexuality

Waning Moon: Cleansing, smooth endings, banishment, healing

Copyright © 2016 Kristie Meregillano, All rights reserved.

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